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Increasing stamina is not a process that can happen on spur of moment. You have to be patient and take things slow. If you are planning to increase it with exercise and have learned new exercises, don’t push your body to do 20 sets at once. Take your time and let your body adapt to it at its own sweet pace.

For many, stamina is simply about being physically active. That’s not true. This is because in order to work out and perform exercises effectively, your body needs its fuel, that is, nutrition. Go for low-fat, high protein and more raw foods.
Never skip on carbs. They are essential for muscle building. Also, they increase starch and sugar in your body, boosting your stamina and endurance in turn. So, it is good to have grains, pastas, brown breads and cereals.
Are you a dance person or a yoga person? Well, pick what you love. Be it Zumba, aerobics, badminton, tennis, cricket, or gyming, if you love what you do, you will not need any other motivation to get at it.
Experts say that to maintain a minimal level of fitness, you must work out for at least 30 minutes a day and 5 days a week. You have to be determined as stamina building will take time and you don’t have to lose patience till you are there.
Though resting is essential and is called the repair time for your body, start decreasing it gradually. If, let’s say, you take rest for two minutes after three sets of an exercise, reduce the duration to one minute, 30 seconds. Then after a few weeks, reduce it to a minute and so on.



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